Mary Magdalene

Highs and Lows

Mary Magdalene knew what it was to be filled with 7 demons. We are told this in the Gospel of Mark. And Mary Magdalene also knew what it was to find freedom through the work of Jesus Christ. It’s from this experience of meeting Jesus Christ that we see her example of a person driven by faithfulness to her Savior and Lord. She knew the lows of not knowing God. But she also knew the highs of His delivering hand. She followed Him through the lows of seeing Him suffer and die. She actually saw the stone rolled across the front of her Deliverer’s tomb. But afterJesus’ burial, she was first to see Him Risen from the Dead! Mary is an example of a servant-disciple that follows Jesus no matter the highs and lows it may bring.


Thankful and Persevering

Following Jesus comes with a cost. Mary Magdalene saw a lot in her time withJesus. She proved to be faithful through it all. Even when Jesus’ closest disciples were denying him, betraying him and many not even present at his death, Mary was a constant, faithful servant. She displayed a genuine devotion and love to Jesus. We don’t have all the details we may want from her salvation story or the accounts that she would be able to tell of Christ, but it seems clearly evident that because she experienced Jesus’ delivering hand, she wanted nothing more than to serve Him. Her heart displayed deep gratitude to her Savior. She saw salvation come first hand to the world through Him. In the same way, are you filled with deep gratitude for Christ saving you and providing a chance to serve Him with joyful devotion?


Pontius Pilate


Simon Peter